Source code for tools

#Builtin imports
import logging
import json
import core
import uuid
import time
import base64
    import queue as Queue
except ImportError:
    import Queue
import datetime
import string

valid_chars = set(string.ascii_letters+string.digits+'{}|~^<>!#$%()+,-.@_[] ')

log = logging.getLogger()

log.debug("Valid SQL characters are {0}".format(valid_chars))

session_nums = 0

command_nums = {}

event_types = {
        "notification": "NOT",
        "url": "URL",
        "function": "FUN"

[docs]def set_response(session_id, command_id, event, response_function): """ Set a response listener in the session object :param session_id: :param command_id: :param event: :param response_function: """ session_container = core.sessions[session_id] commands_container = session_container["commands"] for command in commands_container: if command["id"] == command_id: command_data = command command_data.update({ "event": event, "function": response_function })
[docs]def gen_session(username, client_type, db): """ :param username: :param client: :return: session_id """ session_id = get_session_id(db) # Start monitoring notifications # Register a session id core.sessions.update({ session_id: { "username": username, "commands": [], "created":, "updates": Queue.Queue(), "id": session_id, "client": client_type } }) return session_id
[docs]def gen_command_uid(): """ Generate a 16 character url safe base64 string :return urlsafe base64 string: """ return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(uuid.uuid1().bytes).decode("utf-8").rstrip('=\n').replace('/', '_')
[docs]def create_command_obj(session_id, command): ''' Generate a properly formatted command object :param session_id: :param command: :return command object: ''' command_uid = "{0}_{1}".format(session_id,gen_command_uid()) log.debug(":{0}:Generating a new command object with command id {1}".format(session_id, command_uid)) command_object = { "command": command, "id": command_uid } #Add the command to the session core.sessions[session_id]["commands"].append(command_object) return command_object
[docs]def get_event_uid(type): ''' Get an event uid using the event type :param type: :return: Event uid string ''' e_type = event_types[type] return "{0}:{1}".format(e_type, str(uuid.uuid1()))
[docs]def dump_events(events, db): """ Dump events :param events: :param db: """ #Delete all events from db that should be finished events_table = db['events'] events_table.delete(time < time.time()) for event in events: #Remove one time events that had functions in them if event["type"] != "function": events_table.upsert(event, ['uid'])
[docs]def load_key(key_type, db, load_url=False): """ Load a key from the database and implement the cycler :param key_type: :param db: :param load_url: :return api key: """ working_keys = db.query('SELECT * FROM `keys` WHERE type="{0}" and uses <= max_uses'.format(key_type)) correct_key = sorted(working_keys, key=lambda x: x["num"])[0] key_uses = correct_key["uses"] key_value = correct_key["value"] updated_uses = key_uses+1 #Assume that keys reset monthly db['keys'].update(dict(type=key_type, num=correct_key['num'], uses=updated_uses), ['type', 'num']) if load_url: return (key_value, correct_key["url"]) return key_value
[docs]def initialize_session_tracking(db): """ Deprecated and out of use :param db: """ vars = db["vars"] session_increment = vars.find_one(name="session_incremnet") log.debug("Found session increment {0} from server".format(session_increment)) global session_nums session_nums = session_increment
[docs]def get_session_id(db): """ Incrementer for session ids :param db: """ global session_nums session_nums+=1 session_id = uuid.uuid1() session_str = str(session_id) log.debug("Generated session_id {0}".format(session_str)) log.debug("Updating session increment in db") data = dict(name="session_id", value=session_nums) db['vars'].update(data, ['name']) return session_str
[docs]def get_command_id(session_id): """ Incrementing command ids based on the session id :param session_id: :return command_id: """ global command_nums command_nums+=1 command_id = "{0}_{1}".format( session_id, gen_command_uid() ) log.debug("Generated command id {0}".format(command_id)) return command_id
[docs]def get_user_token(username): """ Get a customized user token to store encrypted in the cookies :param username: :return user_token: """ user_uid = uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, str(username)) gen_uid = uuid.uuid1() return str(gen_uid)+":u:"+str(user_uid)
[docs]def return_json(response): """ Render a response object as json, assert that it has all the correct keys, and return it :param response: :return json string: """ #Make sure the needed keys are in the response data try: assert type(response) == dict assert "type" in response.keys() assert "data" in response.keys() assert "text" in response.keys() log.debug("Returning response {0}".format(response)) return json.dumps(response) except AssertionError as e: log.error("AssertionError {0}, {1} when trying to render response {2}".format( e.message, e.args, response )) return { "type": "error", "data": None, "text": "Server returned malformed response {0}".format(response) }
[docs]def fold(string, line_length=120, indent=0, indent_first_line=False, _runs=0): """Fold a string into multiple Lines. Fold function by Max Ertl ( :param string: The string you want to fold. :param line_length: The desired max line length (int) :param indent: if you want lines to be indented, you can specify the number of spaces here :param indent_first_line: if this is True, the first line won't be indented. :return formatted string: """ if indent > line_length: log.debug("The indentation is higher than the desired line-length and will " "therefore be ignored.") # Set up the actual line length if indent_first_line is False and _runs == 0: length = line_length else: length = line_length - indent # The actual folding: if len(string) < length: # no need to fold return (string) else: s = "" i = 0 # Find the last space that would be in the last 12 chars of the new line # The text will be folded here, 12 proved to be a good value in my tests for c in string[length:length - 12:-1]: if c == " ": # Space found, fold here and remove the space s += string[0:length - i] string = string[length + 1 - i:] # Fold the rest of the string recursively return "{}\n{}{}".format(s, " " * indent, fold(string, line_length, indent, indent_first_line, _runs + 1)) else: # Character is not a space, move to the previous one i += 1 # No space found in the last 12 chars of the new line. Use full length s += string[0:length] string = string[length:] return "{}\n{}{}".format(s, " " * indent, fold(string, line_length, indent, indent_first_line, _runs + 1))
[docs]def check_string(in_str): """ Sanatize data :param in_str: List or string of strings to be validated :return boolean: """ if type(in_str) == list: return all([check_string(x) for x in in_str]) else: filters = ( in_str.strip() and all([x in valid_chars for x in in_str]) ) return filters