Source code for core

#Builtin modules
import logging
import threading
import time
import requests

#Internal modules
    import core.plugin_handler as plugin_handler
    import core.parser as parser
except ImportError:
    import plugin_handler
    import parser
import core.notification as notification
import tools

log = logging.getLogger()

sessions = {}

events = []

processed_commands = 0

error_num = 0

success_num = 0

commands = {}

[docs]class sessions_monitor(): @staticmethod
[docs] def command(command_data, session, db, add_to_updates_queue=True): """ Main command parsing function :param command_data: :param session: :param db: :param add_to_updates_queue: :return: response object """ global processed_commands global error_num global success_num processed_commands+=1 # Call the parser command_data.update({"db": db}) parse_data = parser.parse(command_data, session) command_id = command_data['id'] parse_data.update({"command_id": command_data['id']})":{0}:Finished parsing".format(command_id)) response = plugin_handler.subscriptions().process_event(parse_data, db)"Got response {0} with type {1}".format(response, type(response))) if response["type"] == "success": success_num+=1 else: error_num+=1 log.debug("Got response {0} from plugin handler".format(response))"{0}:Setting update for command with response {1}".format( command_id, response )) session_id = session['id'] #Add the response to the update queue global sessions if add_to_updates_queue: sessions[session_id]["updates"].put({"command_id": command_id, "response": response}) if session_id in commands.keys(): commands[session_id].append([command_data["command"], response["text"]]) else: commands.update({session_id: [[command_data["command"], response["text"]]]}) return response
[docs] def update_sessions(username, update_data): """ :param username: :param update_data: Puts data into the update queue for the user so the client can serve it to them """ active_sessions = [i for i in sessions if sessions[i]["username"] == username] map(lambda s: sessions[s]["updates"].put(update_data), active_sessions)
[docs] def monitor(self, db): """ :param db: Thread that continuously handles passive events, like event triggers """ global events while True: time.sleep(0.1) if events: for event in events: current_time = time.time() if event["time"] <= current_time: log.debug("Processing event {0}".format(event)) event_type = event["type"] if event_type == "notification": username = event["username"] #Active sessions for the user sessions_monitor.update_sessions(username, event) update_data = {"type": "notification", "text": event["value"], "data": event} sessions_monitor.update_sessions(username, update_data) notification_thread = threading.Thread( target=notification.send_notification, args=(event, db)) notification_thread.start() elif event_type == "url": response = requests.get(event["value"]).text update_data = {"type": "event", "text": response, "data": event} username = event["username"] sessions_monitor.update_sessions(username, update_data) elif event_type == "function": response = event["value"]() update_data = {"type": "event", "text": response, "data": event} username = event["username"] sessions_monitor.update_sessions(username, update_data) events.remove(event)
def __init__(self, db): """ Start the passive thread :param db: """ #Pull pending notifications db.query('delete from `events` where time <= {0}'.format(time.time())) for i in db['events'].all(): events.append(i) sessions_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.monitor, args=(db,)) sessions_thread.start()
[docs]def initialize(db): """ Run the plugin loader :param db: """"Loading plugins") plugin_handler.load("core/plugins", db)