Source code for API

from flask import Blueprint, request, session, redirect, render_template
import core
import tools
import logging
import bcrypt
import json
import traceback
import sys
from whenareyou import whenareyou
    import queue as Queue
except ImportError:
    import Queue

db = None
configuration_data = None

log = logging.getLogger()

api = Blueprint('api', __name__, template_folder='templates')

@api.route('/new_user', methods=["GET","POST"])
[docs]def new_user(): ''' Create new user in the database :param: username :param: password :param: first_name :param: email :param: city :param: country :param: state '''":API:/api/new_user") response = {"type": None, "data": {}, "text": None} try: if request.is_json: request_data = request.get_json() else: request_data = request.form username = str(request_data["username"]) log.debug("Username is {0}".format(username)) password = str(request_data["password"]) first_name = str(request_data["first_name"]) last_name = str(request_data["last_name"]) email = str(request_data["email"]) city = str(request_data["city"]) country = str(request_data["country"]) state = str(request_data["state"]) check_list = [username, password, first_name, last_name, email, city, country, state] passed = tools.check_string(check_list) if passed: log.debug("Attempting to create new user with username {0} and email {1}".format(username, email)) # Check to see if the username exists users = db["users"] if users.find_one(username=username): # If that username is already taken taken_message = "Username {0} is already taken".format(username) log.debug(taken_message) response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = taken_message else: # Add the new user to the database":{0}:Adding a new user to the database".format(username)) db.begin() # Hash the password log.debug("Hashing password") hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf8'), bcrypt.gensalt()) log.debug("Hashed password is {0}".format(hashed)) is_admin = username in configuration_data["admins"] try: db['users'].insert({ "username": username, "first_name": first_name, "last_name": last_name, "email": email, "password": hashed, "admin": is_admin, "default_plugin": "search", "notifications": json.dumps(["email"]), "ip": request.environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP', request.remote_addr), "news_site": "", "city": city, "country": country, "state": state, "temp_unit": "fahrenheit", "timezone": whenareyou(city) }) db.commit() response["type"] = "success" response["text"] = "Thank you {0}, you are now registered for W.I.L.L".format(first_name) except: db.rollback() response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "There was an error in signing you up for W.I.L.L. Please check the information you entered" else: log.warning(":{0}:Failed SQL evaluation".format(username)) response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Invalid input, valid chars are {0}".format(tools.valid_chars) except KeyError: log.error("Needed data not found in new user request") response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Couldn't find required data in request. " \ "To create a new user, a username, password, first name, last name," \ "and email is required" return tools.return_json(response)
@api.route("/settings", methods=["POST"])
[docs]def settings(): """ :param username: :param password: :param Optional - setting to be changed: Change the users settings :return: """":API:/api/settings") response = {"type": None, "text": None, "data": {}} if request.is_json: request_data = request.get_json() else: request_data = request.form if "username" in request_data.keys() and "password" in request_data.keys(): username = request_data["username"] password = request_data["password"] if tools.check_string(request_data.values()): user_table = db["users"].find_one(username=username) if user_table: db_hash = user_table["password"] if bcrypt.checkpw(password.encode('utf8'), db_hash.encode('utf8')): #TODO: write a framework that allows changing of notifications immutable_settings = ["username", "admin", "id", "user_token", "notifications", "password"] db.begin()":{0}:Changing settings for user".format(username)) try: for setting in request_data.keys(): if setting not in immutable_settings: db["users"].upsert({"username": username, setting: request.form[setting]}, ['username']) db.commit() response["type"] = "success" response["text"] = "Updated settings" except Exception as db_error: log.debug("Exception {0}, {1} occurred while trying to commit changes to the database".format( db_error.message, db_error.args )) response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Error encountered while trying to update db, changes not committed" db.rollback() else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "User {0} doesn't exist".format(username) else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Invalid input" else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Couldn't find username or password in request data" return tools.return_json(response)
@api.route('/get_sessions', methods=["GET", "POST"])
[docs]def get_sessions(): """ Return list of active sessions for user :param: username :param: password :return: list of sessions """":API:/api/get_sessions") response = {"type": None, "data": {}, "text": None} sessions = core.sessions if request.is_json: request_data = request.get_json() else: request_data = request.form try: username = request_data["username"] password = request_data["password"] if tools.check_string(request_data.values()): db_hash = db['users'].find_one(username=username)["password"] user_auth = bcrypt.checkpw(password.encode('utf8'), db_hash.encode('utf8')) if user_auth: response["data"].update({"sessions":[]}) for user_session in sessions: if sessions[user_session]["username"] == username: response["data"]["sessions"].append(session) response["type"] = "success" response["text"] = "Fetched active sessions" else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Invalid username/password combination" else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "One of the submitted parameters contained an invalid character. " \ "Valid characters are {0}".format(tools.valid_chars) except KeyError: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Couldn't find username and password in request" return tools.return_json(response)
@api.route('/start_session', methods=["GET","POST"])
[docs]def start_session(): ''' :param: username :param: password Generate a session id and start a new session :return: '''":API:/api/start_session") # Check the information that the user has submitted response = {"type": None, "data": {}, "text": None} if request.is_json: request_data = request.get_json() else: request_data = request.form try: if request.method == "POST": username = request_data["username"] password = request_data["password"] client = "API-POST" elif request.method == "GET": username = request.args.get("username", "") password = request.args.get("password", "") client = "API-GET" if not (username and password): raise KeyError() if tools.check_string([username, password]):":{0}:Checking password".format(username)) users = db["users"] user_data = users.find_one(username=username) if user_data: user_data = db["users"].find_one(username=username) # Check the password db_hash = user_data["password"] user_auth = bcrypt.checkpw(password.encode('utf8'), db_hash.encode('utf8')) if user_auth:":{0}:Authentication successful".format(username)) # Return the session id to the user session_id = tools.gen_session(username, client, db) if session_id: response["type"] = "success" response["text"] = "Authentication successful" response["data"].update({"session_id": session_id}) else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Invalid username/password" else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Couldn't find user with username {0}".format(username) else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Invalid input" except KeyError: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Couldn't find username and password in request data" # Render the response as json if request.method == "GET": session.update({"session_data": response}) if response["type"] == "success": return redirect("/") log.debug("Rendering command template") return render_template("command.html") else: return tools.return_json(response)
@api.route('/end_session', methods=["GET", "POST"])
[docs]def end_session(): """ End a session :param session_id: :return End the session: """":API:/api/end_session") response = {"type": None, "data": {}, "text": None} if request.is_json: request_data = request.get_json() else: request_data = request.form try: session_id = request_data["session_id"] # Check for the session id in the core.sessions dictionary if session_id in core.sessions.keys():":{0}:Ending session".format(session_id)) del core.sessions[session_id] response["type"] = "success" response["text"] = "Ended session" else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Session id {0} wasn't found in core.sessions".format(session_id) except KeyError: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Couldn't find session id in request data" # Render the response as json return tools.return_json(response)
@api.route('/check_session', methods=["GET", "POST"])
[docs]def check_session(): """ Check if a session is valid :param: session_id :return: """":API:/api/check_session") response = {"type": None, "text": None, "data": {}} if request.is_json: request_data = request.get_json() else: request_data = request.form try: session_id = request_data["session_id"] session_valid = (session_id in core.sessions.keys()) response["data"].update({"valid": session_valid}) response["type"] = "success" if tools.check_string(session_id): if session_valid: response["text"] = "Session id {0} is valid".format(session_id) else: response["text"] = "Session id {0} is invalid".format(session_id) else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Invalid input" except KeyError: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Couldn't find session_id in request data" response["data"].update({"valid": False}) return tools.return_json(response)
@api.route('/respond', methods=["GET", "POST"])
[docs]def command_response(): """ Api path for responding to a command question :param session_id: :param command_id: :return: """":API:/api/respond") response = {"type": None, "text": None, "data": {}} if request.is_json: request_data = request.get_json() try: log.debug(request_data.keys()) command_id = request_data["command_id"] session_id = request_data["session_id"] response_value = request_data["value"] #Validate the JSON response object if tools.check_string([command_id, session_id]): if session_id in core.sessions.keys(): session_data = core.sessions[session_id] session_commands = session_data["commands"] response_command = None for command_obj in session_commands: if command_obj["id"] == command_id: response_command = command_obj if response_command: if "function" in response_command.keys() and "event" in response_command.keys(): response_function = response_command["function"]":{0}: Executing response function {1} with response {2}".format( command_id, response_function, response_value )) #Execute the response try: response_result = response_function(response_value, response_command["event"])":{0}:Successfully executed response, returning {1}".format( session_id, tools.fold(response_result) )) response = response_result except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() error_string = repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) log.error(error_string) username = session_data["username"] user_table = db["users"].find_one(username=username) if user_table: response["type"] = "error" if user_table["admin"]: response["text"] = error_string else: response["text"] = "An error has occurred while trying to fetch a response." \ "Please contact to report the error and " \ "get more information" else: log.error("USER {0} NOT FOUND IN DATABASE. WARNING.".format(username)) response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "A database error has occurred. Please contact" \ "to report the error, along with the circumstances under which it" \ "occurred." else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Command {0} didn't register for a response or didn't" \ " register the required data for a response.".format(command_id) else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Couldn't find a command object in session {0} with command id {1}".format( session_id, command_id ) else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Invalid session id {0}".format(session_id) else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Submitted response data {0} failed string validation. Valid characters are {0}".format( tools.valid_chars ) except KeyError: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "command_id, session_id, and JSON response object required" else: response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "/api/respond requires a JSON request" return tools.return_json(response)
@api.route('/command', methods=["GET", "POST"])
[docs]def process_command(): """ Api path for processing a command :param command: :param session_id: :return response object: """":API:/api/command") response = {"type": None, "data": {}, "text": None} if request.is_json: request_data = request.get_json() else: request_data = request.form try: command = request_data["command"] session_id = request_data["session_id"] log.debug(":{1}:Processing command {0}".format(command, session_id)) if session_id in core.sessions.keys(): # Add the command to the core.sessions command queue session_data = core.sessions[session_id]":{1}:Adding command {0} to the command queue".format(command, session_id)) command_data = tools.create_command_obj(session_id, command) command_response = core.sessions_monitor.command( command_data, core.sessions[session_id], db, add_to_updates_queue=False ) if session_id in core.commands.keys(): core.commands[session_id].append(command_data) else: core.commands.update({session_id: [command_data]}) session_data["commands"].append(command_data) core.commands.update(command_data)":{0}:Returning command response {1}".format(session_id, tools.fold(str(command_response)))) response = command_response else:":{0}:Couldn't find session id in sessions".format(session_id)) response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Invalid session id" except KeyError: log.debug("Couldn't find session id and command in request data") response["type"] = "error" response["text"] = "Couldn't find session id and command in request data" return tools.return_json(response)